Compassionate Conversations with Esther Kane, MSW
Compassionate Conversations is all about getting honest and real with yourself, letting go of the past, along with behaviour patterns which are no longer serving you, and growing into the person you have always wanted to become.
As a highly sensitive person (HSP) as well as being a psychotherapist specializing in highly sensitive people with almost three decades of experience, I will share the tools and tips which have helped both me and my highly sensitive clients completely transform their lives: owning their power, speaking their voice, and squeezing the juice out of life!
Please join us in these Compassionate Conversations and share with people who could also benefit.
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Facebook: Esther Kane, MSW, RSW, RCC
Compassionate Conversations with Esther Kane, MSW
Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) and Noise Sensitivity
Esther Kane and her friend Maryanne take you on a deep dive into the world of Highly Sensitive People and how they are affected by noise, along with their top tips to managing noise sensitivity.
Episode Contents:
0:00 Compassionate Conversations Intro
0:24 HSP Series Intro
2:13 Introduction of Maryanne Pope
4:12 Maryanne being an extroverted HSP and Esther being an introverted HSP
7:25 How we are both affected deeply by sound as HSPs
8:45 How different we are as HSPs being an extrovert vs. an introvert
11:00 HSP 101
13:35 What are "Soundaries" and why are they so vital to HSPs?
16:20 Maryanne's specific noise sensitivities and her "soundaries"
22:45 Esther's specific noise sensitivities and her "soundaries"
28:45 Maryanne and Esther's tips for navigating noise sensitivities
36:00 Dealing with other people's insensitivity re: the noise they make in a productive way
Where to find Maryanne:
FREE resources:
To learn more about the Highly Sensitive Personality:
To read a whole lot of articles I've written on Highly Sensitive People, click on this page:
To receive my FREE report designed to help HSPs create better boundaries called, "10 Tips for Getting Rid of Relationships That Drain Your Energy", click here:
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Watch my YouTube Channel videos:
Esther Kane, MSW, RCC