Compassionate Conversations with Esther Kane, MSW

Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) and Noise Sensitivity

Esther Kane, MSW, RSW, RCC Season 1 Episode 10

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Esther Kane and her friend Maryanne take you on a deep dive into the world of Highly Sensitive People and how they are affected by noise,  along with their top tips to managing noise sensitivity.

Episode Contents:

0:00 Compassionate Conversations Intro
0:24 HSP Series Intro
2:13 Introduction of Maryanne Pope
4:12 Maryanne being an extroverted HSP and Esther being an introverted HSP
7:25 How we are both affected deeply by sound as HSPs
8:45 How different we are as HSPs being an extrovert vs. an introvert
11:00 HSP 101
13:35 What are "Soundaries" and why are they so vital to HSPs?
16:20 Maryanne's specific noise sensitivities and her "soundaries"
22:45 Esther's specific noise sensitivities and her "soundaries"
28:45 Maryanne and Esther's tips for navigating noise sensitivities
36:00 Dealing with other people's insensitivity re: the noise they make in a productive way

Where to find Maryanne:

FREE resources:

To learn more about the Highly Sensitive Personality:

To read a whole lot of articles I've written on Highly Sensitive People, click on this page:

To receive my FREE report designed to help HSPs create better boundaries called, "10 Tips for Getting Rid of Relationships That Drain Your Energy", click here:

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Esther Kane, MSW, RCC

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