Compassionate Conversations with Esther Kane, MSW
Compassionate Conversations is all about getting honest and real with yourself, letting go of the past, along with behaviour patterns which are no longer serving you, and growing into the person you have always wanted to become.
As a highly sensitive person (HSP) as well as being a psychotherapist specializing in highly sensitive people with almost three decades of experience, I will share the tools and tips which have helped both me and my highly sensitive clients completely transform their lives: owning their power, speaking their voice, and squeezing the juice out of life!
Please join us in these Compassionate Conversations and share with people who could also benefit.
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Facebook: Esther Kane, MSW, RSW, RCC
Compassionate Conversations with Esther Kane, MSW
Helpful Tools for Moving through Grief and Loss
Canadian Psychotherapist Esther Kane interviews Dawn Hertz, a grief and loss therapist, to provide some tools for those of you who are grieving a recent loss.
Episode Contents:
0:00 Compassionate Conversations Intro
0:24 Introduction of Dawn Hertz
1:30 How Dawn has been touched personally by grief and loss
9:39 How she became interested in specializing in grief and loss as a therapist
12:52 What grief and loss looks like for most people in the short term, after a year, and in the long run
15:28 How western culture helps or harms those who are grieving
19:46 Mistakes people make when trying to help someone who is grieving
23:48 How to best support someone who is grieving
25:00 Pitfalls grieving people fall into and how they can these be avoided
29:27 How grieving people can recognize what they need and then ask for it
35:50 Do we ever truly ‘get over' a significant loss?
40:20 Dawn shares stories of hope from those who have moved through significant loss in their lives
Show notes:
Where to find Dawn:
Grief author mentioned in interview:
Dr. Alan Wolfelt
Blog post about losing my dear friend to brain cancer:
Read articles I've written on grief and loss:.
To receive my FREE report called, "10 Tips for Getting Rid of Relationships That Drain Your Energy", go to:
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Esther Kane, MSW, RCC