Compassionate Conversations with Esther Kane, MSW
Compassionate Conversations is all about getting honest and real with yourself, letting go of the past, along with behaviour patterns which are no longer serving you, and growing into the person you have always wanted to become.
As a highly sensitive person (HSP) as well as being a psychotherapist specializing in highly sensitive people with almost three decades of experience, I will share the tools and tips which have helped both me and my highly sensitive clients completely transform their lives: owning their power, speaking their voice, and squeezing the juice out of life!
Please join us in these Compassionate Conversations and share with people who could also benefit.
Watch these episodes on my YouTube channel: @compassionateconversations441)
Facebook: Esther Kane, MSW, RSW, RCC
Compassionate Conversations with Esther Kane, MSW
How Anita Breeze (AKA "Ketogenic Woman") Healed Her Relationship With Food
Are you a fan of Ketogenic Woman (Anita Breeze)? I sure am! Here she shares her personal story which contributed to a significant weight gain before she found the ketogenic way of eating. I was touched by her story and deeply moved by the emotional healing she has done in order to heal her relationship with food and her body. I think you will be too. Enjoy!
Episode Contents
0:00 Compassionate Conversations Intro
0:24 Body Image Series Intro
2:56 Introducing Anita Breeze
8:14 Going beyond the typical weight loss story
9:51 What Anita learned about women's roles from her family-of-origin
21:03 What messages Anita got about food and weight from a young age
24:38 Identifying the link between multigenerational trauma and her struggles with food and weight
36:00 Using food for emotional reasons- food as comfort
38:12 Healing the relationship with her mother
46:10 How her relationship to food and her body has changed over time
47:47 Anita and Esther discuss one of the most important areas to address in order to heal our relationship to food and our bodies: unfinished emotional business and past traumas
52:15 Anita's 'before and after': resolving unfinished emotional business and past traumas
53:28 Wrap-up
Show Notes
Where to find Anita:
Her website:
YouTube Channel:
Ketogenic Woman
To watch my interview with Dr. Joan Ifland on Highly Processed Food Addiction, go here:
Dr. Georgia Ede and her book, Change Your Diet, Change Your Mind, can be found here:
FREE resources:
To check out Esther's writing and podcasts/videos on women, eating disorders and body image, go to this page:
To receive Esther's 6-part audio program, Making Peace With Food and Our Bodies:
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Esther Kane, MSW, RCC